
Showing posts from April, 2023

The Face of TG Storytime Part 5: "Fangs" by Misaania Review

The Face of TG Storytime Part 5: "Fangs" by Misaania Review tw // death, torture Well, time for a change of pace. A review without any quote screenshots. I’m interested in seeing how this will turn out. I will be making one change that I didn’t mention in the previous post. I will be including direct quotes from the story in text form. This is just a shit ton easier and quicker than screenshots, and it avoids the problem of the screenshots not showing on certain devices. Really, it’s a win for everybody. Either way, let’s get to this review. “Fangs” was first posted by user “Misaania” in August 2015. The story got 15 chapters in, with the last chapter being posted in January 2017, before it was entirely rewritten. And I do mean entirely, the rewritten version of this story is completely different from the original. The rewritten version began being posted sometime in 2018, and was finished in September 2019. In total, the old version is 89K words, and the new version is 155K ...