
Showing posts from October, 2024

Creepypasta Review: "Upstairs"

This post is going to continue the trend from last time. A short creepypasta with two different variations, where a few small changes make or break the whole thing. This time though, these are the same story, just with minor alterations. This is “Upstairs” (also occasionally called “The Face Upstairs”). This creepypasta is sort of like the 2 sentence horror story “I Heard It Too” (which has an INSANE animation for it, if you’re curious ). Basically, a kid returns home at night, where their house is empty. They ask if their mother is home, and they hear her voice from upstairs, saying “yeeees”. Every time they call for her, it’s the same “yeeees”. They become a little uneasy as they reach the room her voice is coming from, and just before they open the door, they hear their mother announce she’s home from downstairs. They go downstairs to greet her, and just before they descend the staircase, they look to the door and see something strange. Again, as I’ve said, in a short horror story, ...

Creepypasta Review: "The Clown/Angel Statue"

This one's more of an urban legend than a creepypasta, with many different variations of the tale, but regardless, “The Clown Statue” tells the story of a babysitter looking after the children of rich parents who are out for the night. The parents tell the babysitter not to touch anything, and through the night the babysitter watches TV in the parents’ room. As she’s watching, she's distracted by the creepy clown statue in the corner that almost seems alive. It creeps her out so much that she calls the parents, asking them if she can cover it up. That's when the parents tell her to get the kids and get out of the house, and that they’ll call the police. They don’t OWN a clown statue. That’s the basic gist of the story, though again, there are many variations of it. Personally, I always felt the story’s quality was highly dependent on the specific version. For instance, the first original version of this story I think was posted in 2004, and is linked here (apologies for th...

Creepypasta Review: "WHO WAS PHONE?"

Holy crap guys this is Peter Griffin and this was the most scariest story ever! This guy is making out with his girl and then he gets a call on the phone from a man saying "what are doin with my daughter". And then when he tells his girl about it she says her dad is dead! THEN WHO WAS PHONE!? OMG I'M SO SCURRRED  😰 Rating: 1 bajillion/10

Creepypasta Review: "Mr. Widemouth"

  I’m not going to bother with a long introduction this time, I’m just going to get right into it. This is my review of the creepypasta, “Mr. Widemouth”. Written in first person, “Mr. Widemouth” stars an unnamed narrator recalling a series of bizarre experiences from his early childhood. His family was constantly moving at the time and didn’t settle into a place until he was eight. These are the set of memories that are the clearest to him. He recalls living in a large house that was much too big for his small family of three when he was five. He was only here for a few months, and he came down with a bad fever during his stay. While he had this fever, and was constantly bedridden and bored, he befriended a strange, small creature who called himself Mr. Widemouth (due to his, well, wide mouth). The narrator describes him as looking kind of like a furby. Mr. Widemouth hid under his bed and never appeared when his parents were present. The narrator never told his parents about Mr. Wi...

Creepypasta Review: "1999"

I've had a long fascination with internet horror. It started when I was 11, when I got really into creepypastas. For most of my adolescence I was obsessed with them. Not obsessed as in I thought about them every day, moreso that I read them frequently and watched a lot of Creepypasta readings on YouTube. I have many fond memories of reading new stories that occasionally kept me awake and a little bit afraid come night. Of course, I and many others have come to realize a lot of old creepypastas haven’t exactly held up well, and were never very good to begin with. I often hear people say things along the lines of “mascot horror ruined internet horror”. But let’s be real, internet horror had already ruined itself long before Five Nights at Freddy’s or even Slender: The Eight Pages came along. Most old creepypastas were really cheesy ghost stories that felt primarily aimed at 11-14 year olds looking to be edgy (so I was the exact right age when these stories were at their peak). Even t...